Explore a few general approaches to finding errors and troubleshooting
Vault. Learn the difference between audit and operational logs, and
how to approach rooting out a bug.
Troubleshooting Vault on Kubernetes
Explore approaches to finding warnings, errors, and troubleshooting
Vault in a Kubernetes environment.
Diagnose server issues
Resolve common server startup issues caused by configuration or environment with the diagnose sub-command.
Use hcdiag with Vault
Use the hcdiag tool to gather important Vault server operational data for troubleshooting.
Monitoring Vault replication
Learn how to check the health of your Vault replication setup and troubleshoot if a problem occurs.
Vault usage metrics
Explore Vault usage metrics UI to find core metrics.
Monitor telemetry & audit device log data
Learn about monitoring Vault telemetry metrics and audit device log data, including configuration and key metrics. A hands-on scenario is included with details about the Vault Enterprise Splunk app.
Monitor telemetry with Prometheus & Grafana
Learn about monitoring Vault telemetry metrics with Grafana and Prometheus. A hands-on scenario is included for experimentation and learning more.
Inspect data in BoltDB
Learn how to inspect data in a Vault Integrated Storage (Raft) BoltDB file with community developed tools.
Inspect data in Integrated Storage
Techniques and tools for asking questions about your Vault cluster data from
the Integrated Storage backend.
Blocked audit devices
Learn how to identify and resolve blocked audit devices.
Query audit device logs
Learn how to query file audit device logs in an ad-hoc way during troubleshooting incidents.
Troubleshoot irrevocable leases
Learn about leases which cannot be revoked, and how to interact with them in a troubleshooting context.
Vault cluster lost quorum recovery
Recover from permanently lost quorum while using Raft Integrated Storage with Vault.
Operate Vault in recovery mode
Operate a Vault server in Recovery Mode for advanced troubleshooting scenarios.
Monitoring Vault with Datadog
Walk you through the steps to set up Datadog agent to monitor an Vault instance.
Audit device logs and incident response with Elasticsearch
Learn how to use a Vault audit device with Elasticsearch for auditing specific critical Vault events as part of your incident response workflows.
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